Sunday 9 November 2014

To Wear Or Not To Wear A Wedding Ring.

By Arthur Katabalwa.

Yesterday I went and bought my self a ring on a whim. I was walking through the Crafts Village near the National Theater and I saw one of those black rings, tried it on my wedding finger, the price was right so I snapped it up. I put in on my wedding ring finger without much thought.

Later on in the day, I went and had lunch with a friend. The discussion about the ring on my wedding ring finger was minimal. Indeed anyone who saw me wearing it would have thought less of it. After all I look like the kind of man, who at my age should be married.

This morning, while I was showing off a few photos I took with a local celebrity, one of my girl friends pointed out that I was wearing a ring. She wondered why I was wearing one when I am no longer married.

It is one of those things which I have always wanted to do. I am not a person who wears jewelry. I wear my watch on my right hand and I have wanted to balance things off on my left hand. But I don't like clunky stuff so I opted for a classy plain band.

However I have also noticed that many of my contemporaries especially in the media industry wear rings even if they are single. It has always been thought of as a statement that for one to wear a ring, they  spoken for; they are married. But many friends of mine, both male and female, wear rings when they are not hitched. So what is it that we want to portray? What message do I subconsciously want to pass on?

Andrew, is a TV and radio news anchor in Kampala. He is also a rather good looking guy but wears a ring despite the fact that he is single. I asked him why he does it "Wearing a ring gives off an air of confidence. It shows other people that you are responsible because it is associated with one being married."

I asked him if by us wearing rings would not put off potential partners: "In the media it is important to try and keep off some unwanted attention and a ring does the trick" he said. "However if anyone is interested in you or if you are interested in someone else, if you find out that they are already wearing a ring but aren't married then that gives off good vibes." So, I thought I am giving off "good vibes" to those around me who are single but are wearing wedding rings like me? The subtle messages we give off without knowing?!? Anyway.........

On a purely personal level however I have found that in my daily course of work, I stand better chances to be taken seriously by my peers. When one is in a serious meeting I find that a subtle roll of that ring on your wedding finger while in deep thought while listening to a presentation gives an air of superior confidence. For me, the ring shows an inner peace and comfort with my life. The way that society is understanding these symbols is changing rapidly. For one to be wearing a ring in my industry doesn't mean one is married...but is it?
Obama always has his wedding ring on.

It has been known for many leading world leaders to make sure they are wearing their wedding rings rather prominently. Bill Clinton sported his prominently even when the whole world knew what he was doing when he was receiving calls in the oval office. Tony Blair and Barack Obama would rather be seen dead without wearing one.

William Ford, a presenter on one of the radio stations in Kampala and a very good friend of mine just walked up to me and asked what changed over the weekend. I said nothing happened only the fact that I bought a ring which I am wearing on my wedding finger. His take? "You are sending away potential suitors but at the same time attracting potential suitors!" Confused? I am. But I will keep a ring on my wedding finger regardless. I actually like it.


  1. (Some responses I am getting) Single women are drawn to the married guy because they always wanted what other women have. It is a breed of women that specialize in mate poaching. They are not happy, so they see no reason why another woman should be. A married man shows potential to commit. No need to reinvent the wheel the single woman thinks.

  2. (Another response)In sharp contrast, the unmarried male, past 35 playing the dating field, minus a ring on his finger, comes across as really suspect. Women just do not buy the notion that a man can remain single past that age without significant baggage. How is that even possible?

  3. Kind of busy right now but I have bookmarked this....catchy topic I must say! I am told that men use the ring to woo young girls and it usually works! The ring must be very powerful. Remember that movie: "Lord of the.....". I guess I will be enlightened after reading this later! :)

    1. This is a catch 22 situation. Wear one or not. Either way you will be damned! Still I think the wearing of a ring is skewed. I have had a message from a young lady saying that if she was being chatted up by a grown up man without a ring she would find him suspect!!!! I thought it should be the other way round. Anyway my new shinny ring stays.
