Tuesday 4 November 2014

Come On! Lets Not Get Our Knickers In a Twist!

By Arthur Katabalwa.

I hear that there is a legal threat from government that if anyone is caught looking at those photos they will be prosecuted and fined 50 million shillings. A fine of 50 million shillings? I guess our national debt will be wiped out in a few hours at this rate. Because, let me inform the powers that be; confiscate all phones with video playing capabilities. A majority have videos so hideous even Satan will run to the Almighty in fright!

For all her faults, DL (I pity anyone whose names are initialized like that) needs protection whether she reports that she has been wronged or not. The whole DL issue is now a national scandal. Let me inform our saintly Father in that absolutely preposterous Ministry of Ethics and Integrity (another parking place for political wannabees I think) to focus on cases like that kid who was in the papers yesterday who, in her P6, was being chased about by some men with questionable intentions.

You see, I think we have some issues especially moral issues badly skewed here in Uganda. OK, we have a lady who apparently has questionable morals getting her nude pictures plastered all over the internet and in our hand held phones. Some might say that she brought it on herself. That I am not entirely sure. But when we have a little girls hand being offered for marriage for less than 1 Million shillings, and her 32 year old mother whose so poor poverty is dripping like dew around her and has the nerve and fortitude to say NO to that? Those are the people we should be helping.

Babirye Kasuubo, a single mother from Kiige village, Balawoli, Kamuli district ekes a living out of the soil by growing maize, beans and millet. Her husband left her for dust twelve years ago. Now, allegedly a local man John Odongo, 25, saw Babiryes' daughter walk from school, he gave her an evelope containing the cash as bride price. He has since disappeared when the matter came to light. His accomplices, his father and a friend have been thrown into the cooler (prison) and they are now counter suing Babirye for stealing their money. Meanwhile the local drunkards are laughing at Babirye for refusing the offer! Am I getting something wrong? These are the people who need a slap!

Father Who?, help us deal with such imbeciles first. Not DL. She has provided the nation with a bit of a distraction from the end of month woes. But the likes of Odongo, even if the case is still in court, should be the ones who get the fines. Not the locals who for want of a better word are still having a bit of mirth.

This country is beset by so many problems; The Katosi Road saga (what happened there? IGG?). People being given  allowances to attend the funeral of The Late Hon Eria Kategaya., people are being raped in Kyambogo? And what did the Chancellor say? The list is endless! Yet we are scrambling over our cereals to try and catch out people who are looking at a pornographic video which by the way does not prove it is actually who they say it is. Yes, I have seen it and that posterior can be of so many girls in this region of Africa trust me. No conclusive proof.

So, let us not get our knickers in a twist worrying about 50 million shillings and God knows what. The hemlines of our sisters in Uganda fall and rise like the tide. Sometimes the tide completely goes out and the hemlines completely dispear. Society is transient. Like I wrote yesterday, this whole issue will be forgotten by Friday. My message to DL again is that all will be forgiven and forgotten by Friday. Trust me. You know how we be like here in K'la. Come Friday, we will all be going to party and people will be like "DL who?" I have an Arabian themed house warming arranged!!

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