Sunday 5 May 2013

Of Dark Corners and Derus.....

Gonza Lukanga Kagwas take on Phil Collins' Groovy Kind Of Love in 1988 was absolutely spot on. It was the inter house music competition and Africa house had to produce a song like no other. It was the best kept secret because no one knew who was singing the solo or what was going to be sang. A house or so had sang Nakatanza (as expected) but the competition was high.

Gonza walked on to the stage in top hat and tails!!!! TOP HAT AND TAILS!! OMG!!! No one had seen anything like it. He stood next to the grand piano and what a belter!?!? Even to this day I can hear him sing it. the reason being that I thought that it was his own work. I had never heard of the song. When I later heard Phil Collins sing it, I thought someone had to give loyalties to Gonza.

Gonza at full pelt singing. Photo Curtsey Gonza Kagwa

The song was not only what was poignant at the time. It was rumoured (and I will not confirm or deny this) that the afore mentioned gentleman had the hots for a one LN (initials only please as its only an allegation). Now, LN was ignoring his amorous moves so he conjured up this absolutely flawless performance so as to win the damsel's heart. I don't know whether the plan worked.

But from the above story, we at Budo in those days enjoyed a healthy social life the school being a mixed, coeducational school (what does that mean? Co..what?). Mention words like Bursary, deru and shhhhhh (in small words) dark cornering and many peoples' ears prick up. I can never over emphasise the importance of Saturday roll call when students dressed to thrill! At this juncture, I want you all to think about your position in the roll call line. I was using "Mwenkanya" then so I was near the Nagundis!!! Bliss. If you were a Sse-something, suffer! Wasn't it ever so political? And then we went to the dinning room where upon we would wait for entertainment thereafter.

I was of the Main hall persuasion. Never was a member of the Contact group and if I was ever seen there, I had other ulterior motives (rather get that out of the way soon............choir front line more like).To me, Chapel and The main hall were diametrically opposed. When the late Mr E K Bawuba arrived in 1980, there was a general intake of breath as he belonged to the Bazukufu group. We thought all freedoms were going to be curtailed. how wrong were we? Never did Kings College Budo have derus and house parties like we did in Bawus' time! Never. Lord, did we dance.

Entertainment was varied as we  all know. Derus were the best. Why the hell did we dance in large circles?ela abamu kumwe manyi muli bafuumbo naye nkyababanja!!!  Asadu implored us "Do you want a music oba a filimu?" The Obaces, The Mawanda and The Wabulyas brought the videos. Invasion USA, Deadly Prey, Nails of Death, RAMBO!!!  But I know many of you didnt watch them anti daaka konaring. It was even more dangerous in Chapel. Yes, lets get the secrets out. Those people in Contact had a habit of bringing films on the reel! The worst time was when the film was coming to the end. It would go if you haven't finished ebibyo Nyenje is about to switch the lights on. So it was always better to have one eye on the thickness of that reel, never the film.

S4 Social with Gayaza Photo by Moses Kinobe
 And then there was the problem of Minyigos. Sorry but this must be mentioned. Promises!!!! Some never materialised

And then that most difficult of all male functions; the walk to Bursary road. I went. I escorted but only escorting someone elses' kyana (you know your self) and the humiliation of escorting someone elses' kyana was final and complete. Because just as you arrived near the drum/bell, you would be relieved of your duties.

Budo had couples that were incredible. I wont mention names now. Abaantu bafuumbo but I know that I can mention Edward Tebandeke and Wini Bemba Kagere. I must submit that this was the cutest couple ever. The two come from the royal clan and there was an ease about them. They were the same height, cracked the same jokes. Even Rev and Kamuhanda never bothered them. There relationship was so sweet that up to this day, I think, Budonians of that era took ownership of it. Both of them moved on after but they are good friends. Their problem (and I think their partners at the moment) is that whenever there is a Budo function, they are pushed together.

As always, Tebandeke and Wini pushed together extreme right.

I write like we never actually went for any lessons. We did. And my next instalment will be on that subject.

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